Hugh Hanley

One 20-24 page songbook. Pages provide song lyrics and descriptions of activities and movements accompanied by numerous black and white photo illustrations. One CD containing songs comprising two 25-30 minute sessions.

Circle of Songs

Circle of Songs

Songs: Rhythm, Alligator Pie, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Johnny Works, The Grand Old Duke of York-Martin Luther King, Elevator, A,B,C Song - Rock & Roll ABC, Comin' “Round the Mt., Sticky Bubble Gum, It's Always the Same, Wake Up, You Sleepyheads, My Two Hands, When Cows Get Up In The Morning, Father Abraham, Ram,Sam,Sam, Chin Chopper, Here Is The Beehive and more. 31 Total Songs with lyrics and directions.

#HH1001 CD/Activity Book $18.95

Another Circle of Songs

Another Circle Of Songs

Songs: Hello, Sir, Thinkboxer, Here's a Ball for Baby, Bubblegum, My Name Is Joe, What Does The Cow Say?, 5 Little Hot Dogs, Miss Lucy Had A Turtle, A Chubby Little Snowman, 5 Green Apples, Thumbkin, Tony Chestnut, I'm A Nut, The Rolley-Polley, Uncle Jessee and More. 30 songs with lyrics and directions.

#HH1002 CD/Activity Book $18.95

One More Circle of Songs

One More Circle Of Songs

Songs: Mister Knickerbocker, The Little Pig, Tommy Thumb, 5 Little Fishies, Going To Kentucky, 3 Short-Necked Buzzards, Cinderella Chant, A Fingerplay Story, Jingle Bells, Trick or Treat, Do Your Ears Hang Low?, The Beaver Call, My Dog, Rags, Old Man Moses, and more. 30 songs with lyrics and directions.

#HH1003 CD/Activity Book $18.95

Hugh Hanley Complete Set~

All three Circle Of Songs CDs and Books: Circle Of Songs, Another Circle Of Songs, One More Circle Of Songs (save $6.85).

#HH1004 3 CDs and 3 Activity Books $49.95